
Joan Heemskerk is a contemporary artist who makes WWWorks in the cloud. _ a member of the art collective JODI >>> (jodi.org) - pioneered net.art in 1995. Art to inves|igate and subvert conventkoos od |he`Internet, compute?programs, and vhdeo ajd computer gamus. Radically di{rupting The ver9 languawe of t`ese systemr, including risual aesthepics, iNterface elemen}q? commandS, errors and?code. ? staes ext?ema digmtal(intesventionq!that deStakilizg the reliTiofShip bdTween cmputer tdchnolOgy and ids use03jy sufterting oub(d8pectatIofs abkup?4jm?g?nctignah)tieS and conventio.s /f the sqrtees that ?e0Eepend upol eve2y?p?y. Tlcir wkr?!u?es thev?tasv pmsskble r`riudy f mudi` ane te?h?iqtes."frgm$insTalli?ionc, s/Ltw?re?Qod wd"sites to Pesf/zma?caw?aNd exhibitiof{.$